A List Slam is like a Poetry Slam, but instead of reading poetry, people read their lists, to-do and otherwise. I’ve organized two List Slams in the last month, and I’m planning two more in January timed with the New Year and resolutions. (January 8, 7:30, at Modern Times Bookstore and January 10, 7 pm, at Red Hill Books, in San Francisco.) I ask people to bring a list to share, and offer people the chance to write lists on the spot as well. People read on everything from Things to Do Before Moving to Santa Barbara to 10 Things No One Knew About Me Before Tonight.
The List Slams been way more entertaining and fun than I expected, which is why I want to offer you the tips and tools to host your own List Slam. Especially timed with the New Year, since I think there’s something particular fun about sharing our meta to-do lists.
Here are some tips:
* Choose a venue. It could be a café, a bar, student center, or home.
* Invite people. Facebook is very effective for events these days.
* Make signs such as "List Shrine" for people to tack up their lists.
* Make a "List-Writing Station" for people to make impromptu lists.
* Make a sign-up sheet and ask people who want to read to sign up.
* Let people read lists on anything they want, but invite them to make it timely and seasonal: Resolutions for the New Year, love lists for February 14.
* Be creative and share your own inspiration/tips in the comments.
As a bonus: If YOU are interested in hosting a New Year's List Slam, send me your event information. The first fifteen people who have a plan to hold a List Slam can sign up to get a free copy of To-Do List to share with people who attend.
The deadline for signing up to host in order to get a free book is December 15. Send your plan and your mailing address to todolistblog AT gmail.com. If you are one of the first fifteen I’ll let you know and we’ll get a book out to you.
Ive just compiled my 101 things in 1001 days list and people are intrigued so im having a list slam at my place between xmas and new year to get everyone to write and share at least 10 resolutions and goals for 2008. expecting about 20-25 participants.
awesome, that sounds really fun, let us know how it goes. . .
I'm not quite sure I understand what this is all about
I'm not quite sure I understand what this is all about
I love this idea! I mean, you can get an idea of someone by looing at their to do lists. I'm one of those people that make lists frequently because it helps me stay on track. Love you blog!
playing the best of the Grateful Dead, Allmans, Beatles, Dylan and much more
great ideas i like what you have done
Wandered in at random - have a done/am doing/(soon to be to do list actually on my blogs to keep track of em)....good idea this.
I stumbled upon a blog that was a to-do list blog. It was really interesting. Then I saw that there was a book out. I looked over it a couple of days and decided I HAD TO HAVE IT! So I had it NEXT DAY AIR shipped to me. The shipping cost more than the book, but I was so excited I couldn't wait.
Last night, my Amazon.com box was laying on the counter. I rushed downstairs with it in my hands, ripped the box open, and sat there and read every word of this book!
I, myself, write lists all the time. It's some how gives me a sense of organization and control in a world that's crazy, disorganized, crammed, and sometimes even crap.
I LOVE this book!! BUY IT TODAY!! You gotta do it!! Make it your #1 on your TO-DO LIST!! haha I'm laughing at myself now...do you think I need to see a doctor for that one? Of course not, I'm good!! lol
Anywho!! Buy the book!
hey aunt tabbi, thanks for your note! it made me smile! you should post this gist of this as a review on amazon so everyone there can see it. if i used emoticons, i would put a smiley face here. sasha
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