Wednesday, January 09, 2008

My To-Do List Talk at Google

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking--and eating lunch!--at Google as part of their authors@google series. The crowd was great. . .about 150 people. It was a lot of fun. I used a slideshow presentation to project some of the most intriguing lists featured in the book and talk about why I included them. The Googlers also had a lot of good questions. . . Watch on.


Prasant said...

hi sasha,

this is my first time coming across your work. i am a musician and i happen to be trying to get organized this past week. I had been overwhelmed by all the online and other computer tools available. after watching some of this video, i think maybe i should just stick to good old pen and paper!



suzspeaks said...

If I were in San Fransisco, I would totally come to the list slam!!