Friday, March 21, 2008

Research IRAs

I'm posting this list today because I woke up in a panic this morning thinking, OMG, I have to research IRAs (in advance of tax season). I've found in my eight years of collecting lists that "taxes" are the second most common item to be repeated over and over again. Perhaps five times on average before they are crossed off. Any thoughts on why we need to repeat "taxes" over and over again on our lists? Why is this time of year so singularly anxiety-provoking? Even though I am not against the government, doing taxes and filling out these forms spurs thoughts in my head that the government is going to come hunt me down for a mathematical error. They have in the past, too, and although it was annoying to owe an additional $700 I lived to tell the story. . .It never killed me. But still, the whole process fills me with SUCH dread. I must write tazes over and over on my list with every step broken down in order to get myself to file by April 15 .


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