Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Brazilian Girl's Ambitions


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice one, I also my todo list but yours is ten times betters

Anonymous said...

This girl has really done a good planning,I must say.

Unknown said...

As a fellow to do lister, I thought you guys might like to check out my site, it's still in beta and new features are being developed every day, but the basics for online to do listing are there, the site is: http://www.lifelister.com/

My plans include a mobile framework where you can access your to do lists on your mobile device. Saving paper = going green!

Thanks and nice site!

Leticia Melo said...

Hey, Sasha!

It makes me sooo happy to look at this list I've made in 2008 and realize that I've reached most of my goals (Im still working on two of them...)!!!

Leticia =]