Monday, April 15, 2013

Pre-Wedding Goals

"Some form of exercise EVERY DAY" I understand, but "spank people online"? Or am I mis-reading?


Anonymous said...

It's "sparkpeople" online. It's a weight loss site.

Anonymous said...

I think they're looking for an online weight-loss support group...

Anonymous said...

No more chocolate??? That's an admirable goal on the to-do list... I can cut lots of things - carbs, greasy foods, my morning latte, but chocolate is definitely a tough one.

Anonymous said...

my favorite part of this list is "meet with gay florist."

Anonymous said...

You can apparently spank people on facebook - a variant of 'poking', but it all sounds a bit weird to me

Tracey said...

No more Chocolate...OUCH!

If that was me I'd definitely lose weight...but I'd be such a bi**h no one could stand to be around me.

Anonymous said...

No more eating after 8pm if only I could manage that one :-)

Anonymous said...

Spank people online sounds like fun lol