To coincide with the release of To-Do List, I have decided to inaugurate a new campaign: SAVE THE TO-DO LIST! Yes, I am worried that the the to-do list may become an endangered species. Many of us write to-do lists, many of us even write them every day. But every day, a new person starts to write lists in Outlook, on a cell phone, a web-based to-do list program. Not that I am opposed to these devices (I sometimes use them!) but I believe that handwritten lists are the holy grail of listmaking and we can't let the handwritten list slip away!
Some people want to save the whales, I want to save the to-do list.
Save the To-Do List will kick off with New Year’s Day, our national holiday in celebration of listmaking. Whether we’re writing resolutions or top ten lists, New Year’s is when we’re most obsessed with lists, and we can enjoy the special powers and pleasure of taking pen to paper.
To participate in Save the To-Do List Campaign, please send your handwritten lists (especially New Year’s Resolutions) to todolistblog AT gmail.com]. During January, five handwritten New Year's Resolutions will be featured every week.
Why save the handwritten list? Here’s a list of five reasons why we shouldn’t stop making paper lists (regrettably typed):
1. Taking pen to paper just feels good.
2. Crossing off tasks--highly satisfying.
3. Electronic lists look generic, handwritten lists are unique to us.
(And are therefore more effective at getting us to get things done.)
4. The act of writing is meditative. It focuses us to clear our heads and commit to our goals.
5. Doodling!
Please add your own reasons in the comments.
Here's one of mine (completely cryptic, I know).
This is a really cool idea! I'm going to email you mine. :)
Great idea for a book! I used to make lots of to-do lists especially for packing so I don't forget anything on vacation. Unfortunately, I travel so much these days, I have stopped. I knew I should have saved some for posterity.
this is really interesting....
I love it ! Good luck.
I wouldn't worry about this. There will be plenty of peopl who live off post-its and scraps of paper... every few hours I'm writing a new one... I've even got lists for lists...
I edit photos so there'd be a general list of things to do for the day- then "edit becca's photo" becomes "fix jaw line, edit out puff of hair, liquify torso, etc.." then those become lists... I'm a sucker for lists... how many times can you say the word list...?
anyway- not to worry..
I thought everybody made lists. What pleasure to have a to-do list and cross your tasks off, one by one. Or write the list after you've done the stuff so you can see what you've accomplished. The older I get, the more lists I write.
Hi Sasha! I love your to-do list idea! I opened up my own blog on blogspot today and saw the post about your project and book on the dashboard. Your idea actually inspired my first post! Thanks! Best wishes on the project!
I am only 12 years old, yet I am obsessed with To Do lists. YES they are all handwritten! It's more of a thing I NEED to do--if I don't have one every night before going to bed I simply cannot fall asleep, no matter what. So now, I am obsessed with lists! I'll email you one of mine!
Dear Sasha
I really like the jazzy layout of your blog.
A bit jealous really!
Susan Harwood
Just wanted to tell you that I got your blog and book on my blog; and the you tube interview as well.
Congratulation on the book
A spin off of Post-Secret *sigh* (http://postsecret.blogspot.com/)
But I do agree. The medium of tying the pen & paper to the user in turn to the brain presents a unique and genuine interaction that working on a keyboard or a digital medium lacks.
Your handwriting is a unique expression of you whether you think it is or not.
Because I've gone back to the pen & paper for some of my most treasured writings, I feel more connected with my works. My poetry has always been handwritten and I have now expanded that to my dream book/log. Something of which I used to keep a running log in college on my computer, but found myself either growing too lazy to turn on the computer, distracted by the computer, or distracted by the formatting of the text.
With a had written account of my dreams each night I no longer worry about such distractions. Now I'm am considering the same for my scripts and screen plays (I actually caught wind of this from Eli Roth who in turn caught it from Tarantino.)
With that being said here's to the To-Do List! *Cheers!*
absolutely love the idea its brilliant, i can't wait to get hold of the book
How coincidental to read your blog about To Do lists today. I just crossed off an item that's been on my To Do list for more than 2 years. It feels so good to cross that puppy off. I am a horrible procrastinator, even if I make a list I don't always follow it or I forget to look at it. I will make new lists and add the old stuff to the new list. It's crazy. But I don't think I will ever stop making lists. I'm sure I have about a hundred or so around the house in various places, purse, desk, fridge, bathroom. I think I'll post today's list on my blog.
Just emailed you one of my to do lists for my stuff to do for the weekend....housework and barn chores taking care of my horses.
I am TOTALLY addicted to your site and just went to amazon and bought your book.
forgot to mention I just emailed a bunch of friends who I know "list" themselves and told them to check out your site and send you THEIR lists too!
Long live the TO DO LIST
Enjoyed reading this..original and just good work!
Much Thanks!
this is going to result in something awesome
I don't think to do lists will ever go out until *at least* they make it so that all PC's are made so that you can write directly on the screen. It's just too handy to write on paper rather than typing it. And then there's a problem of having it readily available. Even keeping one in Notepad, it's always getting closed or minimized, so it's not as handy. I suppose if I used Outlook that might be easier because it will have reminders, but I hate Outlook. I haven't found Google desktop calendars to be very handy, either (it doesn't seem to work on my system half the time). Maybe you (or someone you know) should come up with some cool to do list software that will do all those things? :)
FYI I know someone who collects lists, but I think it's only grocery lists.
Oh, and do you find that you use to do lists sometimes to put off doing the very things that are on your to do list? I know I do! It's more fun to make the list than actually do the things :)
Wow! Someone who is as obsessive as me! I'm always being ribbed for my lists - I even make to-do lists for my to-do lists! And don't get me started on Post-its.
wow, it is kinda ironic that i stumbled upon your blog. within the past few weeks i have decided to make a list, a 50 by 50 list, 50 things to do before I turn 50. And come hell or high water I am going to do them all. once my list is completely formulated I will send it to you.
Great book topic! I make things to do lists all of the time. Now, I need to actually complete them! I wish you well. If you get a chance, check out my blog: http://chatonsworld.blogspot.com.
omg, to do list is a live saver. It is a must. though its also hard to keep in track if you do not stick to the list. your book will be a definitely to buy list for holidays. :) Congrads!
wow, these are awesome comments, all! it's so fun to have the book out and hear back from listmakers. i'm going to post some pictures from the world's first-ever list slam now, as well as some of the lists that have come in recently. long live lists!
Great idea, like so many others have said. I hope this book gets Down Under SOON! I want my copy!
I thought I was a bit weird, writing a list for each week.. A bit like a plan what I have to do otherwise I forget something. Or if I don't stick to it, I'll get behind with my uni work.
Ever since I've got into blogging, I thought 'oh yay!' Finally another way of expressing myself through a diary format. I'm studying BA Interactive Media Production, and I am fascinated by what the internet has and can offer us.
I'm looking forward to reading your book.. Is it available in England?
hey olivia, thanks for your note! you're not weird. i write a list every day!
you can buy the book on amazon.co.uk. here's the link:
whoops! this should work better as a link for uk ordering: amazon.co.uk
If I may comment on the extinction of to do lists, my personal experience is that nothing beats paper for them. Especially in our technology dominated lives, there's something liberating about writing the stuff you want to do on paper. Outlook and any other automated calendar thing sort of make us slaves to the computer, paper and my own (not so pretty) handwriting makes me feel so much more in power of my actions than setting an appointment and having the computer bleep me every so often telling me what to do.
I have some from 1995 for you! I lived in an ashram (Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health)... I also was facinated with LISTS! So, I requested them from all the residents (over 300 yoginis!). I still have them in storage...I'll dig 'em out for your next book! I LOVE LISTS TOO! A KINDRED SPIRIT!
I have some good ones going now as I prepare to run across country wearing angel wings for peace! I'll send those to ya too! Good Luck with your book!Bethann Shannon
awesome, please do--that sounds like a treasure trove
I'm a to-do-list person and I appreciate this site very much. Thank you for keeping the to-do-list alive. I sent you one of mine by email.
I have a camping list somewhere that I will send you. But in the meantime, speaking of electronic lists, here's mine if you'd like to check it out:
I do both, and since you brought it to my attention, will keep writing away! :)
What a revelation! I planned before to make a blog of list long before--but for myself only. I'll still be posting them and probably send you a copy too. Let's save the to-do lists! God bless!
I am a crazy list girl and will be ordering this book! I just did a post about my "Life List" and added a link to your blog. What a great idea. Please SAVE the handwritten messy sribbled To-DO List!
I totally agree.
Electronic lists are totally impersonal and forgettable. (hence I wouldn't remember to do any of the thingd i wrote down!)
I will email you all my lists! take care.
Shine on,
Dinnie Lim (Singapore)
hey there, i'm just looking around.
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